The GLYCO-N DN is based on a structured modular approach that addresses specific needs of the DCs. These will vary depending on their backgrounds, prior experience, and the disciplines of their research. The underlying principle is to offer training at the local and network level that covers all the skills required by the DCs and their future employers. The network-wide training modules will complement the training that the DCs receive at their academic institutions and cater to the interdisciplinary aspects of the program.
At the local level, GLYCO-N has defined the following modules: 1) individual DC research project, 2) scientific skills, and 3) generic skills.
The network-wide modules are 1) interdisciplinary GLYCOSCIENCE scientific workshops, 2) transferable skills courses, and 3) industry secondments.
While the local modules will be ongoing and tailored to the individual DC and to the research project as well, the network-wide program is designed as a structured three-year doctoral program and will encompass any kind of N-Glycoscience .
All beneficiaries have a long history of participation in mobility programs, which allows for the adoption of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) into the GLYCO-N doctoral program. The DCs will be awarded ECTS, which can be transferred and/or added as acknowledged by the curriculum of the institutions providing the doctorate title according to the local degree of participation in these modules.